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stop buying crap! March 14, 2009

Posted by Victoria Fredericks in Frugal Living, Humor.
1 comment so far

I’ve spent a big chunk of time this afternoon perusing this blog and I’ve been enjoying it for many reasons. Two of which are: 1) I’m inspired by frugal living blogs recently in my efforts to scale back my lifestyle and “live within my means” and 2) the guy who writes it is friggin’ hilarious. How can you say no to reading about things like World of Warcraft Addictions, obnoxious ringtones, not buying things like iPods, Starbucks Frappuccinos, minivans, solid gold toilets, iPhones, private helicopters, etc. etc. especially when dosed with plenty of sarcastic humor? I sure can’t. Plus, anyone who touts the merits of library books as “portable entertainment” is cool in my book. Some of the funnier posts are older but have no less value today, citing our troubled times as a reason to approach our newly simplified lifestyles with a smile.

why I don’t go to Starbucks February 5, 2008

Posted by Victoria Fredericks in Humor.
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I was on Youtube (looking for the video for Wicked Game, don’t ask) and not normally being one to spend lots of time looking at random funny shit on Youtube (as is my dear friend Zoe), this video caught my eye. This girl is hilarious, and she’s also completely right. I had the same thing happen to me, and I have completely evaded Starbucks since, and prefer to go to places where “a small is a small.” I’m a smart girl, but when it comes to coffee, I’m basically a simpleton. How about a lesson, shall we?